Tess - Farmer partner, Airlie Beach QLD

My picture of the struggle in farmer mental health is:
Some of the glimmer/joyful moments that reflect farmer mental health for me:
Welcome new calves and their rough tongues!
I enjoy helping out on-farm so we can spend quality time together and so I can show that I care.
While farmer mental health has its challenges, there are also huge wins and positives along the way. The lifestyle and reward of working a farm and the memories made through this way of life are priceless. It is good for the soul to be outdoors and surrounded in nature - it is almost a romanticised perspective but it’s true! There are glimmers of moments living on a farm that make the trialling times worth it. Positive reflection, and gratitude are two things that I believe foster strong mental well-being, and can be made easy when looking out over a beautiful landscape at the end of the day with your loved one/s.
A little more about Tess:
This campaign is amazing to be part of, as it offers people new perspectives of farm life - not just the ‘farmer in the field’ stereotype. I believe this campaign is also a first of its kind, in that women from agricultural backgrounds haven’t often had the platform to share their story and experiences, so the opportunity to do so throughout this campaign is really really great.
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