Paige - Farmer, Gladstone SA

My picture of the struggle in farmer mental health is:
Trying to juggle children and a business, with minimal childcare to enable me to work hard in the shearing shed.
Some of the glimmer/joyful moments that reflect farmer mental health for me:
Hearing my children talk with their school and childcare friends and teachers about things they have learnt from being on the farm!
A little more about Paige:
We have a broadacre and sheep farm at Gladstone where my Mum and I have sheep in partnership. Juggling children and a consulting business as well as commitments to the farm takes a lot of mental and physical energy especially in terms of planning who will help my husband with the children when I am at the farm. The effort is rewarded especially when the children ask to go to the farm, or proudly talk about sheep and farm life and demonstrate all the things they have learnt by being part of a farming family.
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