Sheridan - Farmer's wife and farm manager, Borambola NSW

My picture of the struggle in farmer mental health is:
For me it’s the mental load of carrying the weight of farm management along with providing additional income. When the questions come flying at me around when is a machinery payment due, rego due, what is our bank balance, have you gotten back to the accountant / bank manager/ solicitor …. and I can’t answer immediately, I feel like I’m doing a terrible job. So many balls in the air. Not only my work, our farm enterprise but also kids and their schooling and extra curricula, it can get very overwhelming.
Some of the glimmer/joyful moments that reflect farmer mental health for me:
I wouldn't have our life any other way. The space...The space to jog along the canola and wheat, the space to see kids play, the space to camp and fish as a family.
To see the independence of our children. The wins...the wins that are ours and our little family's because of the time we put in, because we are all working towards the same goals.
A little more about Sheridan:
We run a mixed farming enterprise in the Riverina. So close to the mighty Murrumbidgee river. I wanted to share the story of the wife behind the John Deere machinery.
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